Friday, September 24, 2021




Canto 9



in dream I seemed to see an eagle poised,
with golden pinions, in the sky: its wings
were open; it was ready to swoop down.


Eagle: spiritual flight, Saint Lucy (light)


And I seemed to be there where Ganymede
deserted his own family when he
was snatched up for the high consistory.



Within myself I thought: “This eagle may
be used to hunting only here; its claws
refuse to carry upward any prey



found elsewhere.” Then it seemed to me that, wheeling
slightly and terrible as lightning, it
swooped, snatching me up to the fire’s orbit.

Lightning: eagle usually associate with lightning (thunderbolt, means knowledge)


And there it seemed that he and I were burning;
and this imagined conflagration scorched
me so—I was compelled to break my sleep.

Burning (in the fire):purify (the sins)

 The first dream in purgatory. Eagle and Serpent are a mystic pair, we have serpent in canto 8 btw. Serpent is bound to earth, while eagle is in flight. A pair of timeless fight. In buddhism, we have dragon and eagle too.

  • Hell. Look back, we see eagle with thunderbolt, the sprit breaks the binding of  pride of flash 
  • Purgatorio. Predict that the purify of spirit in the fires of purgatory.