2. make a link.
cd ~/myspace/tmp/system/lib
ln -s libc.so libc.so.6
Is it necessary? but it fixed the problem to looking for libc.so.6.
3. Here is the Makefile.
LD_OPTS= --entry=_start \
--dynamic-linker /system/bin/linker -nostdlib \
-rpath /system/lib -rpath ~/myspace/tmp/system/lib \
-L ~/myspace/tmp/system/lib -L .
foo2.a : foo2.c
$(CC) -g -fpic -c foo2.c
$(CC) -g -shared -nostdlib -o libfoo2.so foo2.o
$(AR) -rcs $@ foo2.o
foo2: main.c start.c foo2.a
$(CC) -g -c main.c
$(CC) -g -c start.c
$(LD) $(LD_OPTS) -lc -lfoo2 -o foo2 main.o start.o
when build the library, should set "-nostdlib"
4. run the commands
$ make foo2
$ adb push libfoo2.so /data
$ adb push foo2 /data
$ adb shell
# cd data
# ./trace ./foo2