Thursday, December 13, 2007

Mac - Terminal font

The default Terminal font on Mac is Monaco 10pt, but I am a little missed with the font with Linux (xorg 7.0), so I make a little search, to try some other fonts, and find the bitstream Vera Mono 10pt is quite the same with the Linux, and "bitstream-vera" is gnome's free font, so it is free for me to use. Great.

Download font to Mac is not very hard, First download the package of the font and open it which extracts the ttf file (I did it with FireFox), and with the Finder, I can open the ttf file by double click on the file itself, it brings up the font text demo with a button "install the font", so I just click on the button and it will do what it is supposed to do. Super easy!

Then with Terminal Preference, I can select the font to use, and should be enable "antialias text" (the default is disabled that makes the monospaced font ugly), and if I choose black as background, I have to change opacity to 100% as well.