Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I found this site several days ago, then try to download gstreamer from there, but guess what happened, it just contains the core of gstreamer, but without the build of the plugins, it is just a crap, I try to loggin to its forum and can not get into it. I found plugins from slacky.it, but the plugins did not work with the crap streamer from the site, so I remove the crap and install slacky's gstreamer and it it works.

Today I found the following quote from this site, I recommend any slack user will never go to this site until its construction is ready !!!

** Because of the many false package requests (over 300 were incorrect), I had to clean the requests db table.PLEASE, report ONLY the packages that really have newer versions! If a package doesn't runs for you, check the dependent libraries, and download them. If it still doesn't work, use the forum to tell me what you get and why I should rebuild it. Recently I don't have much time for this site :( **