Con Kolivas, or known as -ck which is his kernel patch's identity. He is a Linux kernel patcher for sure. Visit here for his home page on kernel patches. But he is quit what he has been doing. Why? Here is an interview that you must read.
As a Linux user, I know there are a lot of code monkey, they love programming, so Linux is just a perfect platform for them, there are always new devices in the market, new software that brings solutions on specific area, and new bugs that are found to be fixed, ..., so all the code monkey can do is coding, coding and coding, and thus what I am doing is install, install and install. Some times I make my own customized change on my thinkpad because the software I installed is still not very good on my slackware. iMac makes life easier for me, but Linux brings challenge to me -- that is what I thought. I seems choose the later in my life.
CPU performance is now not a big problem since the hardware has been upgrading for decades. To me, on audio area, it still could be causing problems on mobile devices, because the processor on mobile device is not as powerful as on PC, and sound is special time restrict, for instance, you have to fill 1764 bytes buffer in 20ms for sound rate 22050, stereo audio. CPU usage is important measurements, so if you use 10ms to fill the buffer, the usage of CPU is 50%.
I like to get in deep, to know audio, to know kernel... I read books on operating systems, on learning the Linux source code, on configure, build and install the kernel, but I never be a patcher. I may know how to write a module, and get it run in the kernel mode, but usually I don't have to build a device driver from scratch, so I am not "certain". There are a lot that need to be learn.
Although it is pity to see "-ck" gone,
To be or not to be, that's a question. (Shakespeare)but it is good to see what he brings to us.