My new laptop was arrived to my home yesterday. I bought it from compusmart, and it is about a thousand bucks but with great performance. Detail information can be found here.
I decided to give Slackware 12 the first try, I have to say slackware runs great on my new laptop. eth0, audio and video (vesa) works very well. For audio, I have to use alsamixer to change the mute settings, and use "alsactl store" to save, the same as my old 130 thinkpad. And for video, the default vesa works on 1024x768 mode, I am quite happy with that, ctrl-atl-backsapce works, I feel I can use the laptop do things.
I also tried to configure wireless network and download the drivers to build, and tried "X -configure" for 1280x800 mode, but there is some problem, for the wireless, maybe I have to rebuild the kernel. and for the video card, the ctrl-alt-backspace still don't work.