I think I follow every thing to set up my windows to download Helix with cvs, but I still have trouble to connect to cvs.helixcommunity.org. The trouble maybe the time issue, I have to register an account and wait about 3 hours for it take effect, the cvs server there also take 3 hours to update the public keys (RSA). On the other hand, cvs with ssh is set up on my Fedoral, so I can download source code to my linux platform. The weird thing is I don't feel I do a real setup in Fedoral, or I just forget what I have done.
On Fedoral Core 5, I have to install some tools: one is emacs:
yum install emacs.
And also I have to update Python, since it need 2.4.3 to compile helix, and the default python version is 2.4.2. it is not too hard to update, just use this command:
"yum update python", and again "yum install python", now I check "python -V", it reports 2.4.3. NOT bad.
Hope I can compile helix in Fedoral.