Monday, November 22, 2021

git: create pat how to use it?

PAT is personal access token 

 git remote remove origin

 git remote add origin https://[pat][username]/[project].git 

Friday, November 19, 2021


 Ok hostinger not work for me. 

purchased a domain "" from godday instead

to check dns:

 dig +nostats +nocomments +nocmd


Friday, September 24, 2021




Canto 9



in dream I seemed to see an eagle poised,
with golden pinions, in the sky: its wings
were open; it was ready to swoop down.


Eagle: spiritual flight, Saint Lucy (light)


And I seemed to be there where Ganymede
deserted his own family when he
was snatched up for the high consistory.



Within myself I thought: “This eagle may
be used to hunting only here; its claws
refuse to carry upward any prey



found elsewhere.” Then it seemed to me that, wheeling
slightly and terrible as lightning, it
swooped, snatching me up to the fire’s orbit.

Lightning: eagle usually associate with lightning (thunderbolt, means knowledge)


And there it seemed that he and I were burning;
and this imagined conflagration scorched
me so—I was compelled to break my sleep.

Burning (in the fire):purify (the sins)

 The first dream in purgatory. Eagle and Serpent are a mystic pair, we have serpent in canto 8 btw. Serpent is bound to earth, while eagle is in flight. A pair of timeless fight. In buddhism, we have dragon and eagle too.

  • Hell. Look back, we see eagle with thunderbolt, the sprit breaks the binding of  pride of flash 
  • Purgatorio. Predict that the purify of spirit in the fires of purgatory.

Thursday, September 23, 2021


A New Persective On Dante's Dream of Siren is a wonderful article that I discoverred recently.

It covers the second dream in purgatorio, it provides a key to understanding divine comedy as a whole.

(To me, all three dreams in purgatorio are fascinating.)



Canto 19



a stammering woman came to me in dream:
her eyes askew, and crooked on her feet,
her hands were crippled, her complexion sallow.

Not to be loved


I looked at her; and just as sun revives
cold limbs that night made numb, so did my gaze
loosen her tongue and then, in little time,



set her contorted limbs in perfect order;
and, with the coloring that love prefers,
my eyes transformed the wanness of her features.

Projected love


And when her speech had been set free, then she
began to sing so, that it would have been
most difficult for me to turn aside.

Can't escape


“I am,” she sang, “I am the pleasing siren,
who in midsea leads mariners astray—
there is so much delight in hearing me.




I turned aside Ulysses, although he
had longed to journey; who grows used to me
seldom departs—I satisfy him so.”

Siren change songs to fit the desire of hearers


Her lips were not yet done when, there beside me,
a woman showed herself, alert and saintly,
to cast the siren into much confusion.

Lady (reason, power of free choice)


“O Virgil, Virgil, tell me: who is this?”
she asked most scornfully; and he came forward,
his eyes intent upon that honest one.



He seized the other, baring her in front,
tearing her clothes, and showing me her belly;
the stench that came from there awakened me.

Belly (Dante's desire)

Here interpret "Belly" to "Dante's desire" is  thunderbolt to me. 



Canto 19



“The one you saw,” he said, “that ancient witch—
for her alone one must atone above;
you saw how man can free himself from her.

How man can free her?


Let that suffice, and hurry on your way;
fasten your eyes upon the lure that’s spun
by the eternal King with His great spheres.”

Lure (Beatrice)


The author identify false images and true image (Beatrice), and argues that true image "drives the lover to investigate his desires".

The article (or the author) tries to use reason to exaplain true image, which will eventually fail. I still view the Beatrice image as esthetic image.