Monday, June 22, 2009

fedora 10 - setup i686 environment for android (1)

0. install git ($ sudo yum install git)
1. Download JDK 5.0 (jdk-1_5_0_19-linux-i586-rpm.bin) from sun

$ cd /usr/local
$ /tmp/jdk-1_5_0_19-linux-i586.bin
$ sudo updatedb
$ locate javac | grep bin
/usr/local/jdk1.5.0_19/bin/javac (the result)
$ sudo /usr/sbin/alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/local/jdk1.5.0_19/bin/java 100
$ sudo /usr/sbin/alternatives --install /usr/bin/jar jar /usr/local/jdk1.5.0_19/bin/jar 100
$ sudo /usr/sbin/alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /usr/local/jdk1.5.0_19/bin/javac 100
$ sudo /usr/sbin/alternatives --config java

2 Play with curl

$ cd ~/bin (make sure ~/bin is in $PATH)
$ curl http:/ > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
$ cd ~/myspace/mydroid
$ repo init -u git:// -b cupcake
$ repo sync

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

mips - the next example

This example access an array which is a block of buffer.

/* bar initialize input (or 3 to each element)
int bar(int* in, int n)
int ret;
".set push \n" // save assembler option
".set noreorder\n" // suppress reordering
"lw $9, %2 \n" // $9 = n (counter end)
"li $8, 0 \n" // $8 = 0
"li $12, 0 \n" // $12 = 0
"move $4, %1\n" // $4 = in
"loop: \n"
"lw $11, ($4) \n" // $11 = *in
"ori $11, $11, 3 \n" // $11 = $11 || 3
"sw $11, ($4) \n" // *in = $11
"addi $4, $4, 4 \n" // in++ (move to next addess)
"addi $8, $8, 1 \n" // move to next sample
"bne $8, $9, loop \n" // loop
"sw $11, %0 \n" // save $12 to ret
".set pop \n" // restore assembler option
: "=m" (ret) // to return
: "r" (in),"m" (n) // the input
return ret;

Here the use of $8 is not the best, because the move the array element is by $4, soe the $8 is not most necessary, because $4 can be used to check the range for the loop.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

mips - a first example

In the following sample, it shows how to send the input (val) and the output (ret) to assembly block.

/* foo returns (val | 3)
int foo(int val)
int ret;
".set push\n" // save assembler option
".set noreorder\n" // suppress reordering
"ori $2, %1, %2\n"
"sw $2, %0\n" // save $2 to ret
".set pop\n" // pop assembler option
: "=m" (ret) // ret: memory
: "r" (val), "n" (3) // val: read-only register, n: number
return ret;

The real code by dump is:

08804554 :
8804554: 27bdffd0 addiu sp,sp,-48
8804558: afbe0020 sw s8,32(sp)
880455c: 03a0f021 move s8,sp
8804560: afc40010 sw a0,16(s8)
8804564: 8fc20010 lw v0,16(s8)
8804568: 34420003 ori v0,v0,0x3
880456c: afc20000 sw v0,0(s8)
8804570: 8fc20000 lw v0,0(s8)
8804574: 03c0e821 move sp,s8
8804578: 8fbe0020 lw s8,32(sp)
880457c: 27bd0030 addiu sp,sp,48
8804580: 03e00008 jr ra
8804584: 00000000 nop