Thursday, September 18, 2008


As I use cvs for code control, I found patch is a good tool that helps to build the actual release. To do actual release, some times I need to make changes on the code such as change the macro of "#define ENABLE_FOO 0" or some thing else, and these change may not be good to commit to cvs, and I also don't want to create branch with cvs, as each branch can be orphan if I forget to update. So the basic way is:

1. cvs tag
2. modify some code and build the release.
3. make patch (I use tortoriseCVS)

When you want to apply the patches, first make sure you can the patch is for what 'tag' version. after that
1. cvs co -r "tag" "module name"
2. go to the directory you just check out the source code.
3. patch -p0 < "your patch file"

Thursday, September 11, 2008


My Macbook died a week ago, yesterday I got it back from west world who repaired it. The harddrive is changed, but all the data are lost.

I use all the systems (windows, Linux), but feel extremely addicted to Mac OS X. It mainly changed my way of surfing internet. Here is the trick:

1. delicouse2safari: save my delicious bookmarks to safari
2. Launchbar: rescan all the bookmarks, then I am ready to use.

The new Firefox (version 3.01) is released, yesterday I saw the new face on Mac for the first time, I don't feel it looks better than on the PC, but it works fine. I've been using vimperator for quite a while, it gave me quick access with firefox using vim-style key binding, but as the firefox3 pop up, I feel difficulty with vimperator. So I disable this add-on, hope the author of vimperator can improve it. (The most unhappy experience with vimperator, is I did not see tabs on the gui, although I can type "tabs" to show all the tabs in the buffer. I would like to see the tabs bar, not sure where the problem is)